Thank You Babylon Club? Thank You Australia –
Thank You Babylon Club… Thank You Australia
A Word of Thanks from the Author Amer Hanna Fatuhi
I would like to wholeheartedly salute Dr. Amer Maloka & Babylon Club members for their strong commitment and wise approach in presenting copies of the book to the Australian decision makers, including Mr. Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime Minster, and Ms. Maria Vamvakinou, the Federal Member for Calwell and the Chair Joint Standing Committee on Migration.
Delivering the message of the book to others by Chaldeans all over the world is as crucial as writing it. Not helping in delivering the message is as meaningless as failing to put an artist’s idea on canvas. Not reading the book is quite similar to not being able to view the artist’s ideas caged in his brain. This careless behavior is not only wasting time and energy, but it is more significantly damaging the indigenous people of Iraq, CHALDEANS.
Thanks again for doing your part. I hope that others can do the same, simply because learning about Chaldeans and the Chaldean legacy will help our cause immeasurably.
If you did not have the time or the opportunity to read the book, to buy it and present it to an official in your city, or donate it to a public library or a university, now is the time to help others better understand the Chaldeans’ legacy and their present ordeal.
To buy the book, kindly visit:
To learn more about the book visit the Facebook page of The Untold Story Of Native Iraqis:
Below are a few photos from one of the Babylon Club members’ visits
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